Meeting (2018-10-22)

UCSB English Department "Cross-center Strategy Initiative" (CcSI)



Meeting Time:       Monday, October 22, 2018, 2:30-4:00

Meeting Location: Transcriptions Center (SH 2509)

Meeting Zoom:     For anyone who needs to attend by Zoom please let Alan know in advance; we can use Alan's "instant" Zoom ID (default meeting Zoom):


Purpose of today's meeting


1. Overview



2. Cross-center programming



3.  Engaging undergraduates in our centers (and helping to increase enrollments and majors)



4. Publicizing the work of the centers and department (and helping to increase majors as well as to recruit grad students)

Report from Giorgina about her role as dept. Social Media Director last year, which notes that she has already embarked on many of the ideas listed above:


"I’ve already implemented a lot of the social media strategies you mention, including hashtags for each of the centers that I created as a system for publicizing events and linking posts (#COMMA, #LitandMind, etc.) I also ran a “center/initiative spotlight feature” last fall for the centers and initiatives to highlight their RAs and the work their centers do, though only about half of the centers responded to be featured. I conducted mini interviews and photographed the participating members. I’ve also mentioned on several occasions, to you, Enda, and others, that the centers should use their respective accounts to publicize their events that we can then amplify through our main accounts, and to have grads and faculty Iive-tweet events. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen, so I post by keeping an eye on the events that are sent out to the English listserv and share those events on our accounts unsolicited from the centers. In addition, I reach out to the undergrads each quarter with a message about staying connected with social media. And I ran a campaign back in June, which I crafted myself and sent out through the Alumni Office, reaching out to all of our alumni and encouraging them to stay in touch with news (many of them have and I’ve shared their news and helped build that network for our department)."




5. Funding and Staffing Strategy




Wrap-up: Next Steps?